Organisational storytelling

The world is made up of stories

I believe that most things, from a policy document or prospectus to a whole organisation prospectus, need a narrative. Stories are the most basic way that we communicate with each other. They work on many different levels, intellectual and emotional. People forget information, but remember a story.

When I was Director of Communications at Kingston University I hired Richard Gillingwater, managing director of Accrue Brand Value, to help create Kingston’s story. I loved Richard’s enthusiasm and fascination with the psychology of storytelling. Richard valued my creative imagination, my skill with words, and my understanding of narrative. Together we created an organisational story for the University.

Now three years later I have teamed up with Richard to help tell other people’s stories, using a new model of institutuional story telling, which looks at how organisations can use stories at every level, from the strategic to the tactical and cultural.  We began my running storytelling workshops at Kingston University

What we offer

We work with organisations to develop their overarching institutional story
We run workshops with staff at all levels – from individual teams to leadership groups – to help them use story telling in their work
We discover and find ways to communicate an organisation’s emblamatic stories